Hello! Cheers! A beer or glass of wine please are certainly most used expressions in bars and pubs, but there are some non-standard expressions you can learn. Ask a person (not just a woman) this question is in most situations very rude so be very careful. But in some situations could be funny and occasionally it might even break the ice in a conversation.
No offence, if interested and brave enough checkout how to ask do you swallow in different countries respectively languages.
Click on the link below the country to view more details
No problem, take a look at some other useful expressions below.
Find out what is the translation of the word wine and how to ask for a glass of wine.
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Conto, Zahlen, Rachunek, Molim... Explore different ways how to ask for a bill.
Check out how to ask for name in different countries.
Let's find out how to introduce yourself in different countries.
how to ask a person how are you in different countries