How to say beer in Slovakia

The average price of beer in Slovakia is one of the cheapest in Europe (great value for money). Therefore when you travel to Slovakia be sure you reserve a significant amount of time to taste a few of them. The most popular beer (best seller) is called Zlatý Bažant (in English Golden Pheasant) which is brewed by Heinken in Hurbanovo. Other famous beers from this brand are Kelt, Topvar, Corgon or Martiner. Other very popular local beers are Saris, Steiger or Urpiner. In addition to big brewery companies you can find many craft beers in many regions of Slovakia.

Beer is pivo in slovak and how do you ask for a beer? Jedno pivo prosim (One beer please). More likely just one won't be enough, so you can say Ešte jedno prosim, what means one more (beer) please.

If you would like to order more than beer, you might find useful numbers with beer count.

1 Jedno pivo One beer
2 Dve pivá Two beers
3 Tri pivá Three beers
4 Štyri pivá Four beers
5 Päť pív Five beers
6 Šesť pív Six beers
7 Sedem pív Seven beers
8 Osem pív Eight beers
9 Devät pív Nine beers
10 Desať pív Ten beers

Please note in the eastern part of Slovakia man can often hear and also say Dva pivá for two beers. Beer expressions summary in slovak language below.

Capital city:


National / Official language(s):


Other spoken language(s):

Hungarian (10%)
Czech (Neighboring country)
Ukrainian (Neighboring country)

National / mainly used expression(s)

Jedno pivo prosim! [yedno pivo proseem]
One beer please!

Regional / expression(s) used not very often

Zlatý mok
Golden drink/liquor

How to say beer in different countries (languages)

Other expressions and phrases in Slovakia