National / Official language(s):
Other spoken language(s):
Creoles and pidgins
(Jamaican Creole)
I love you

I love you

A glass of wine.
I like you

I like you
Happy birthday

Happy birthday
Bill please

Bill please
What is your name?

What is your name?
How are you?

How are you?
Do you swallow?

Do you swallow?
Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas
Happy new year

Happy new year!
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Cool / Perfect!

Cool / Perfect!
I don't understand

I don't understand.
I don't speak your language

I don't speak your language
Thank you

Thank you
Excuse me
Excuse me
Hello / Hi

Hello/ Hi
Good night!

Good night!
Good morning

Good morning
Good bye

Good bye
What are you doing?

What are you doing?
Shut up!

Shut up!
Be quiet!
You are beautiful

You are beautiful
You're gorgeous
You look wonderful!
You're good looking